If you or your neighbors in Orange County become aware of bobcats visiting the area around your home you are encouraged to contact us with that information. Urban bobcats are frequently known to use the area under a wooden patio deck or some other secluded space within an enclosed yard as a protected place to raise their offspring during the first month or so and we have been able to photo document this activity in the past. Your report will remain confidential except that we will gather the data and provide that to the researchers. If you have questions or concerns about these animals being too close to humans we will try to interpret their behavior for you or will forward your concerns along to the appropriate agency.
Bobcats frequently provide a useful service for our communities by keeping the rabbits, squirrels and other rodent populations under control. Bobcats are a part of the natural community and are not a primary predator for domestic animals.
Bobcat and Cougar Research |
We have been actively participating in research on bobcats and cougars over the past decade and work closely with various governmental agencies in gathering information on the population, behavior and movement of these species.
An interesting article regarding the status of bobcats in Orange County, written by Pat Brennan and published in the Orange County Register, can be found HERE.
For those interested in learning more about a decidedly larger cat (the cougar), our readers should visit the Mountain Lion Foundation's website HERE.
Now available on-line is a terrific video taken in Irvine of a bobcat and her kitten which can be reached by clicking HERE. Below are some short articles regarding the behavior of local bobcats.